Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I Dream of Media Literacy

Both traditional and current media literacy stress the importance of finding valid and dependable information. Currently, digital media literacy expands beyond lessons on normal propaganda learned in a history classroom. Modern digital media literacy skills include knowing a valuable source of information against a convenient source of poorly reviewed material. New research projects designed to learn from the internet is a way to teach media literacy on the web for students because it creates a library of valid sources of information for the minds of students. I believe this lesson plan strongly encourages proper use of the internet in the classroom.  I specifically like the use of the Martin Luther King Jr. video because this provides a great source (as opposed to Wikipedia) for a research project on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


  1. Excellent explanation of the relationship between traditional and media literacies! The link to your lesson plan doesn't work for me. Try it again!

  2. I am having issues finding the actual lesson I used, but once I find it I promise to link it again! Thanks for the heads up! :) (I hope it wasn't removed...)
